250gramstamarind pulp(clean & discard, shells and seeds if any)
3cupshot water (use as needed, refer notes)
How to make the recipe
Spread tamarind pulp in a wide bowl. Cover it with hot water. You may need only 1½ to 2 cups. Reserve the rest. Let soak for 45 to 60 mins.
Option 1 - If your tamarind is clean without debris, you may blend it to a smooth paste in a blender. Add the reserved water as you blend.
Option 2 - Mash the tamarind as much as possible and pass through a strainer to a deep pot. Add the pulp back to the bowl along with the reserved water. Use only as required, we want to make a thick paste. Squeeze the pulp and pass through the strainer once more.
How to Make Tamarind Paste
The filtered pulp will be thick. Cover the pot partially and boil for about 5 minutes until bubbling hot. (be careful as it splashes). Cool down and store in air tight glass jar. Refrigerate for 1 month or in the freeze for 1 year.